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How To Apply For Cochlear

Applying The Hearing Aid Sweat Band™ to your Cochlear Device

Cochlear CorporationCochlear Corporation's Instructions for Installing The Hearing Aid Sweat Band™ Wind, Weather and Moisture Protection Socklet on the ESPrit 22,24, or 3G

Many recipients have found The Hearing Aid Sweat Band™ to have a benefit when wearing their Cochlear BTE or BW (body worn headset) during active/strenuous sports activities…..or in very high-humidity situations (walking the seashore, fishing).

To date, the individuals using The Hearing Aid Sweat Band™ report:

  • it helps to reduce wind-noise
  • it repels water
  • it should protect the microphone/product from lightly splashy/sweaty situations

We have tested the sound-dampening characteristics of The Hearing Aid Sweat Band™ in our sound booth here....and it does result in a 1.5 - 2dB dampening. Most recipients state that this change is barely noticeable.

Use the following brief instructions as tips to install The Hearing Aid Sweat Band™ on the Cochlear BTE. After participating in the sporting activity of your choice, please follow the manufacturer’s directions for cleaning and reuse.

With the speech processor or headset covered in this fashion, the amount of perspiration, salts, mist, condensation (just from walking from outside into air-conditioning) should be reduced. 


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1. Start with any ESPrit and a sock or two. Most of the pictures show the 3G, but just employ the same techniques. The 3G is shown…it’s just a little trickier. 

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Start at the earhook end, open the elastic end of the sock.

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2. Slide the sock over.

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3. Stretch the sock tightly over the earhook tip or ball and slowly expand the threads (without breaking or cutting) over the ball.

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4. Verify your settings.

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5. For the 3G, slide the sock down and mark the exit point of the cable coil.

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NOTE: For the ESPrit and the ESPrit 22, these steps are not necessary since the cable exits the bottom of the processor.

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6. Expand the threads of the fabric over the pen, at the mark.

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7. Slide the sock back to the top, allowing finger access. Detach the cable coil.

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8. From the outside, insert the cable coil connector through the expanded opening and reconnect to the 3G. 

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9. Stretch the sock over the rest of the 3G.

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10. Cover as much of the processor as possible.